Monday, May 31, 2010


Hey everyone,

Been exciting couple of weeks since last time I blogged. We're still working tirelessly to bring this horrific vision to the big screen and sleep is starting to get scarce in my world.

Rehearsals have been amazing. We spent a full day blocking out one of the major gore scenes two weekends ago and man, it's going to be sick. One of the reasons I love rehearsals is the evolution that occurs. When you're blocking material, it changes in a big bad way and becomes more that even the filmmaker imagined. And that's the "...double truth,Ruth".

We also tested some bad ass effects work with Kelsey, Kyle, Chris and Lacy this weekend. It was a lot of fun and really excellent work. Gave us all a lot to build from in our respective areas. Kelsey is very talented and I think her design is evolving in such an excellent and real direction. We've all spoken at length about the one fundamental rule of this project. Realism. Dark, raw realism. When people ask me about the film I always tell them we're more Maniac and Combat Shock/American Nightmares than all of those crap horror movies produced in the past twenty years. That's the shared vision we all have. Those who really love this film get that and believe in that.

We've also launched some social networking through Facebook and we're already boasting 160 fans. It's pretty cool to see the word is starting to spread. It gives me hope independent film might not be the dead end everyone says it is. I tend to think that the film will find an audience because the audience will seek out this film. My job is to deliver it and give it as much as I can to get it out there. Even if I don't have a big studio backing me. American grit is all I've got. With a little luck thats really all I need.